Feed The Beast cracked Launcher 1.4.3

  • 1.04.03
     * Additional debugging for users with authentication issues
     * Minor gui tweaks
  • 1.04.02
     * Fix updater hash checking error
     * Improve performance of analytics, attempt to resolve issues with certain antivirus software causing packet issues
     * Adjust c:\users warnings to only show up if unicode characters are detected
     * Adjust fullscreen height to take start menu and other os bars into account
     * Add additional debugging code to the authentication system
     * Adjust osx 32/64 bit detection code to take into account osx allowing some 64 bit apps to run on 32 bit kernels
  • 1.04.01
     * Fix for international localizations
     * add reccomended paths for installation
     * prevent installing in temporary internet files

    1- download file into your computer


    2- enter any nickname and password and login .

    3- chose your mod pack ….

    4- enjoy :)

    Ps: don’t forget to use “chmod+x app” before you run linux app .

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